
Núria Campabadal

Filmmaker and editor

Barcelona, 1977

I got trained to be a screenwriter at ESCAC film school and with my first Mini DV my passion for documentaries arose. After working in many audiovisual projects in different fields, I decided to get specialised in edition. Now it’s been a decade since I began working as an editor, specially in documentaries, reports and TV programmes; although I’ve also edited fiction, advertising, video clips, corporate advertising, internet clips, etc.

I’ve also directed different projects –for foundations and organisations mainly­– focused on topics as historical memory, human rights, culture, and social and political movements.

I’ve taken part in some experiences of collective and self-managed video (Latele.cat, 15mbcn.tv), artivist collectives (enmedio.info) and media centres. I’ve also taught storytelling and edition to young people and social movements.

I like stories and I love working to tell them in the best possible way.

If there’s something else you want to know, here’s my c.v.

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